miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011



MusicLab RealGuitar 2.3L x86/x64
MusicLab RealGuitar 2.3L x86/x64 | 182MB

If you are serious about creating truly realistic sounding solo and accompaniment guitar stuff for your songs, our new product called RealGuitar is just what you need. RealGuitar is a sample-based virtual instrument with an innovative approach to guitar sound modeling and guitar part performing on keyboard.

Si usted es serio acerca de la creación en solitario para que suena verdaderamente realista y cosas de acompañamiento de guitarra de las canciones, nuestro nuevo producto llamado RealGuitar es justo lo que necesita. RealGuitar es un instrumento virtual basado en muestras con un enfoque innovador para el modelado del sonido de guitarra y voz de la guitarra realiza en el teclado.

Orignal Content Provider - Heroturko.biz
What's New in Version 2.3
64-bit standalone and VSTi support on Windows
64-bit AudioUnit and Cocoa UI support on Mac OS X
The license agreement clause 3 'Other restrictions' is changed
Cubase 64bit Audio Mixdown issue is fixed (Windows)
Pattern Manager Half/Double Tempo issue after reopening a project is fixed (Windows)
"- guitars not found -", i.e. bank loading issue on reopening a project with a sample rate not equal to 44100 nor to 48000 is fixed (Windows)

PASSWORD: WwW.Heroturko.Biz OR www.heroturko.biz

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